Don’t Let Event Planning Stress You Out

Circle Painting service- Professional Development workshops

Professional Development

Circle Painting | Draw All You Can Afterschool rPograms

After-School Programs

Circle Painting collaborative murals for schools

Collaborative Murals

Art for seniors

Special Populations

Case Study- L.A School District Afterschool Program

Virtual Afterschool Enrichment Program for Los Angeles Unified School District
All You Can Art virtual exhibition showcases students' artwork to promote their sense of accomplishment

Invite Us To Your Next Event

Circle Painting | Draw All You Can will pump up attendees, drum up teamwork, and liven up your event. Your team won’t paint by numbers or copy a drawing. Our hands-on, interactive, and proven methods enable participants to produce large-scale, original artworks. Our processes are designed for group settings and can accommodate people of all ages and abilities. We have led hundreds of events all over the U.S. and overseas. Whether it is a festival, team-building event, or a school mural, you can count on us to make your event a blast.

Collaborative Murals

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